We liked to take our vacation the week of the Ney Reunion. ~ Alan Baker
Ney Homecoming at the park. There were games and food galore. Do you remember whenthe cousins all threw balls to dunk Beth into the water? ~ Marilyn Hahn
The first time I took Vince with me to the Ney Homecoming they had games set up throughout the park. One game was to throw a football through a hanging tire. He was the only one who could do it! My hero. (He played it down, of course) ~Penni
What a wonderful park... wet footprints across the tennis courts' cement was fascinating! ~Jo Baker
Making out with Vicki Husted on the swings... ~Jeff H
I remember the Hahn boys winning a little red wagon and pulling it to Grandma's! We always enyed getting together for this event! ~Alan
Dave Hahn and I played BINGO at his expense. I kept winning and he kept losing. I won at least two cakes. Mom tried to make me give him some stuff but he wouldn't take it. ~Alana
Still like to go sometimes. ~Jo
One reunion we had a "pig roast" (yum) but a new experience. Now it's a big thing in Connecticut years later. ~Marilyn