Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Strusacker House

The Strusacker house was the biggest house in town, the biggest house I ever saw as a kid.  It sat on the curving corner past the Grainery.  I wonder if the made their money in Grain?  They had a big woods just past their backyard and a play house at the edge of it.  That play house was a tiny version of a real house with real child-size furniture within.  I never saw a child anywhere near the Strusackers except for us, which made it all the more mysterious.  I always felt as if we were sneaking in even though the Ney cousins said it was okay.  I couldn't imagine people wouldn't care that kids trespassed like that.   I was such a city girl!

Besides the tiny furniture (even a real sofa!) and dishes there was also a bookcase with books and comic books. That little house was a wonder to me.  When I went back years later as an adult, the "big" house on the corner wasn't big at all!  I really wanted to sneak back there and see if the little house was still there... but I didn't.
~ Penni

Sneaking down to the playhouse behind Strusackers and finding a bottle of pop there.  It wasn't soda.  Someone had used it for something else...
~Jeff H

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had fun playing in it.