Monday, June 14, 2010

Playing Marbles

Greg or Evan and I would chalk a circle on the sidewalk in front of Grandma's and play there until Uncle Clair would drive up and give us a ride to Mary's in the back of the pick up. 
~Jeff H

We would play marbles in Gramma & Grampa's tiny "parlor", the room off of the living room.  There was furniture in there but I never saw anyone in there except when we used the floor to play marbles.  One day someone thwacked a big clear marble so hard it shot right under the sofa.  I slid my arm under there to get it not realizing  the marble had spit into several pieces.  It sliced my arm and really opened it up.  It bled like crazy and probably needed a stitch or two.  I still have the scar!

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Dave said...
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